One of the most peculiar aspects of a relationship ending is realizing that you will only have known your former partner for the brief time you spent together, and they will only ever know the version of you that existed during that same window of time. The two of you may have changed greatly from the individuals who were once the focus of each other’s universe. You may now enjoy pop music and they may enjoy seafood. The new song “the way things go” by Filipina-English singer-songwriter beabadoobee masterfully conveys this last sense of letting go in the only way she knows how: by engulfing the listener in an ethereal, enchanting, and sparkling dreamland.
“The way things go” embodies the concept of accepting that a once-close and dear person has vanished into the mists of time. You can now see the world with eyes that are entirely your own, and this person is no longer allowed to roam free in your thoughts. “Can’t remember how to say your name / Let alone count the freckles on your face,” beabadoobee sings over a gentle acoustic guitar. The witty lyrics show Beabadoobee’s realization that it would be better to concentrate her energies in the here and now, with the final line being, “And I don’t mind, that’s just the way things go.” You have to accept the hand life deals you sometimes, and that’s just the way it goes.
“The way things go” shares a similar sonorous quality to “glue song,” with a bright, youthful sense of amazement in the narration and sound, reminiscent of a perpetual honeymoon phase. Soft vocals by Beabadoobee are accompanied by a steady crescendo of whimsical whistles and cinematic strings, mirroring the themes of acceptance, self-love, and a hint of sass in the “The Way Things Go” production.